 Developed Activities
Analysis to optimize the use of low pressure gas in the field.
Technical and economic evaluation for the implementation of gas re-injection systems.
Attendance to monthly meetings for the evaluation of new projects.
Sierra Chata Plant technical and economic evaluation for the commercial proposal.
 Developed Activities
Agua del Cajón Field; Neuquén, Argentina
Pre-Feasibility study of the treating and energetic optimization of the gas used in the power plant.
Turboexpander Plant Agua del Cajón; Neuquén, Argentina
Specification of a turnkey turboexpander plant with a processing capacity of 15.1 Bbbl/d and a mid pressure system.
Bid technical and economic analysis.
Project management of the turboexpander plant.
 Compañía General de Combustibles
 Developed Activities
Ñacatimbay Field; Salta, Argentina
Basic Engineering for early production.
Gathering system, gas treating plant and delivery gas and gasoline system.
Basic engineering of the gathering and delivery systems.
Technical and economic bid analysis.
Project management of the of the new gas treating plant.
Santa Elena Field; Guayaquil , Ecuador
In the field take over, general facilities revision and pre-feasibility study for their development. Pre-Feasibility study for the gas lift compressing system.
Revision and basic engineering for the oil and gas pipeline remodeling.
PDVSA, Venezuela
Study of the facilities on the third round areas, assistance to the data room, capex and opex elaboration of all the areas for proposals.
Chocop Field; Guatemala
In the field take over, general facilities revision and pre-feasibility study for their development. Analysis of different alternatives for crude oil delivery.
Boleadoras Field; Santa Cruz, Argentina
Analysis and revision of new projects and budgets of the associate company.
Sierra Chata Field; Neuquén, Argentina
Analysis and revision of new projects and budgets of the associate company.
Valle Morado Field; Salta, Argentina
Basic Engineering for early production.
Gathering, delivery gas and gasoline and treating systems.
Preparation of technical data room documentation for the partial field selling.
Dong Won
 Developed Activities
Diamond Shamrock Fields; Bolivia
Study of the facilities of selling areas, data room assistance, capex and opex working of all the areas for proposals.
El Paso Energy
 Developed Activities
Pre-Feasibility study to increase the capacity of the turboexpander plant Agua del Cajón.
Studies for the development of new businesses in Argentina.
Pre-feasibility studies to incorporate alternative sources of gas to increase the operation capacity of the turboexpander plant and delivery gas pipelines of the treated gas.
Tecpetrol, El Tordillo Field; Santa Cruz, Argentina
Coordination of the bid presentation for the supplyof a gas treating and compressing plant and O&M services.
Repsol - YPF, Loma la Lata Field; Neuquén, Argentina
Coordination of the bid presentation for the supply of a CO2 removal plant and O&M services.
 Energy Holdings
Developed Activities
Technical and economic evaluation of the facilities of the new projects.
 Developed Activities
Central de Generación Necochea; Buenos Aires, Argentina
Analysis and revision of the supplying fuel system of the station and pre-feasibility studies of alternative systems.
Central de Generación Mar del Plata; Buenos Aires, Argentina
Pre-Feasibility study of a new gas pipeline to supply the station 15.1 Bbbl/d.
Ministerio de Energía y Minas de Guatemala
 Developed Activities
Pre-Feasibility study for delivery oil pipeline system to Mexican southern ports.
Revision of existing oil pipeline facilities.
Feasibility studies to improve performance of the pipeline and the use of drag reducers.
Necon S.A.
 Developed Activities
Caimancito Field; Jujuy, Argentina
Revision of the facilities, propane and butane recovery treatment plant, delivery, gathering and compression system.
Pre-Feasibility studies to develop facilities for the new gas conditions.
Oil Tanking
 Developed Activities
Storage Plant and Delivery System, Puerto Rosales, Bahía Blanca, Argentina
Analysis of the custody transfer measuring system.
Specification, bid analysis, and follow-up of a 227000 bbl/d LACT unit project.
Oldelval S.A.
 Developed Activities
Revision of the oil pipeline systems. Capacity of 239000 bbl/d and 50.000 HP installed.
Pre-Feasibility study of a Scada system and a new communication system to support twelve pumping stations and 994 miles of oil pipeline.
Specification, bid analysis and management of the communication system and Scada project.
Oil pipelines risk analysis.
Pre-Feasibility studies for a new recovery tank gas venting system.
Technical support on the implementation of online oil pipeline simulation system.
Technical support on the implementation of new oil pipeline intelligent pig testing.
Pre-Feasibility studies to increase transportation capacity and optimization in the use of drag reducers.
 Perez Companc
 Developed Activities
Bid evaluation of the Mariquita - Cali gas pipeline (500 miles Ecopetrol, Colombia).
Analysis of the oil pipeline system in Venezuelan fields for crude oil delivery to new areas.
Petroquímica Comodoro Rivadavia
 Developed Activities
El Mangrullo Field; Neuquén, Argentina
Technical specification and budget for bid presentation.
 Developed Activities
Centenario Field; Neuquén, Argentina
Modeling and revision of the secondary recovery water pipeline.
General revision of the basic engineering and lay out of Centario turboexpander plant.
Pre-Feasibility study for the development of a new gathering and multiphase compression system.
Palmar Largo Field; Formosa, Argentina
Pre-Feasibility study, modelation, basic engineering and technical specification of the 124 miles, 8" oil pipeline Palmar Largo - Campo Durán.
Bloque 8; Trompeteros, Perú
In the block take over, general facilities revision, operative optimization study and pre-basic engineering.
Oil pipeline revision, technical specification for environmental requirements and simulation to determine maximum capacity.
Pre-Feasibility study to convert from gas oil to natural gas the power generators feeding.
Pre-Feasibility studies to replace the use of vessels with a directed horizontal drilling for oil pipeline to cross the Marañon River.
Bloque 1 AB Andoas, Perú
In the block take over, general facilities revision, operative optimization study and pre-basic engineering.
Pre-Feasibility studies to modify the crude blending system.
Revision of the power generation system, pre-feasibility studies to replace it with two main gas-power generating stations.
Study for the automatization of satellite facilities with helitransported access.
Bermejo Field; Bolivia
Pre-Feasibility study to modify the measuring and crude oil delivery system.
Quintana Petroleum
 Developed Activities
Boleadoras Field; Santa Cruz, Argentina
Technical attachment for new oil pipelines transportation contracts.
Technical specifications for crude oil reception.
Revision of crude oil measuring systems in farm tanks and crude oil vessels..
Specifications and procedures for the implementation of new delivery systems.
 Developed Activities
Evaluation of the intelligent pig test in the 12" pipeline (1056 miles) for failure detection.
Technical specifications and bid analysis for a Scada system implementation in the pipeline and online simulation system.
Feasibility studies to implement chemical foam injection in the fire protection system of Campo Duran's refinery.
 Repsol - YPF
 Developed Activities
Unidad Económica Loma la Lata; Neuquén, Argentina
General revision of facilities in the Economic Unit.
Pre-Feasibility studies specification and project management of the water capturing system of the secondary recovery Aguada Toledo project.
Basic engineering revision of the water treatment and pumping system of the secondary recovery Aguada Toledo project.
Reengineering of the pipeline system that crosses the Neuquén River.
Basic engineering and specification of the Neuquén River pipeline bridge project.
Rincón de Los Sauces
Pre-Feasibility study of production alternatives to Cañadon Amarillo field
Pre-Feasibility study of production alternatives to Auca Mahuida Field
 Developed Activities
Río Cullen Field; Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
Basic engineering and construction specifications of the Interconnecting gas pipelines, construction and assembly.
 Developed Activities
Valle Morado Field; Salta, Argentina
Specifications revision of the gas treating plant and flow line.
 Developed Activities
Camisea, Peru.
Technical assistant to project review of Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquid pipelines operation
 Transportadora de Gas Cuyana - Ecogas
 Developed Activities
Study of alternatives for the development of the north system, considering the expansion of the gas pipeline and the incorporation of gas compressing plants.
Basic engineering of the gas pipeline compressing plant in the Mendoza - San Luis gas pipeline.
 Vintage Oil Argentina
 Developed Activities
Cañadón Seco Field; Santa Cruz, Argentina
General revision of oil and gas facilities.
Revision of the gas injection system, and fuel gas system.
Pre-Feasibility study and project design for the gas delivery system in Cañadon Seco Field.
Management of the delivery gas project in Cañadon Seco.
 Developed Activities
Technical and economic evaluation of on & offshore the facilities of the new projects.
Technical and budget revision of the associated companies projects.
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